Environmental Forensics: Putting Together the Puzzle Pieces

Posted by on Aug 26, 2014 in Blog |

While there is no cost to attend our September 25th seminar on Environmental Forensics in London, ON, you will have to invest a few hours of your time to attend.

So, should you attend?

To help you answer this, consider that as we explain how to solve the puzzle, we will also share with you actual examples (mini case studies) where we solved problems others could not!

In one case study, solving the puzzle helped our client avoid cleaning up groundwater contamination that was not their responsibility and had stymied other consultants.

In another case study, solving the puzzle resulted in the Court agreeing with Dragun’s interpretation of who was responsible for millions of dollars in remediation costs.

In an additional case study, solving the puzzle helped our client avoid a long-term groundwater remediation that was recommended by their previous consultant … and they avoided litigation.

If you would like to learn more about how environmental forensics can help solve your soil or groundwater puzzle, .  If you have any questions, please call Alan Hahn at 519-979-7300, ext. 134.